Kyle Soble

Services provided by the:  Kyle Soble law corporation. Notary Public. Lawyer/barrister & solicitor.

kyle j soble notary public lawyer

Need a document Notarized? Contact us today. "We come to you!"


Ph: 204-808-0445


Toll Free: 844-8-NOTARY (668279)

Winnipeg Mobile Notary Public

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A Legal Will (last will and testament) helps to Protect yourself and your Family by helping to ensure that the right people are provided for when you pass on.

A Will is not a Power of Attorney. Wills comes into effect once a person has passed. A Power of Attorney is in effect while a person is alive.

You have 2 main options:

1) Have a lawyer draft a Last Will and Testament for you. This is the proper way and ensures your documentation is prepared properly and in accordance with the governing laws of Manitoba.
2) Take your chances and attempt to draft your own Last Will and Testament, following all of the formalities of the Wills Act of Manitoba. Do-it-yourself Last Will and Testaments leave you with no insurance against your own mistakes. We do NOT notarize do-it-yourself or Will documents that our office did not create or write. Your work will not be reviewed by a Notary, you are on your own as to the form, content and validity of your self-drafted Last Will and Testament. If you make a mistake or mistakes: A. Your intentions may not be upheld; B. Your document may not be of use re any institutions; C. Your document may be inadmissible as a valid Last Will and Testament to the Court of Queen’s Bench, Probate Division, Manitoba; etc. In short, you may leave your Estate in a mess. In general, a Notary does not notarize a Last Will and Testament but, can in some cases agree to notarize Affidavits of Execution. Our office though does not notarize do-it-yourself Last Will and Testament documents.

If you decide to do-it-yourself, take heed of the warnings on websites that facilitate the do-it-yourself drafting of Last Will and Testaments.  Such websites usually explicitly state that they do not substitute for the assistance of a lawyer.

If you choose not to take your chances by "doing-it-yourself", but would rather have our Mobile Law Office division prepare your Last Will and Testament, Click below, fill out the form on the upper right side of this page or ph. 204-808-0418: is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Confidential, Convenient, Bonded.

*Serving Winnipeg and surrounding areas



